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Notice By Buyer-Request For Rejected Goods Sales Commission


[First Name of Recipient] [Last Name of Recipient]
[Company's Name of Recipient]
[Address of Recipient]
[City of Recipient], [State of Recipient]
[Zip Code of Recipient]

Dear [Mr./Mrs.] [Last Name of Recipient]:

The following relates to the resale of the goods, which on [date rejected] I rejected as not conforming to our agreement dated [Date of agreement]:

On [date sold], these goods, consisting of [type of goods], were sold by me at a private sale to [name of buyer], of [address of buyer], [city of buyer], [state of buyer], at a price of $ [Price of sale] Dollars. The expenses incurred by me in the care of and in selling the goods are as follows: [Itemization of expenses].

These expenses do not include any commissions paid to third persons for the resale. I therefore claim a commission for myself in effecting the sale. There being no rate of commission usual in the trade in the sale of goods of the nature involved, I claim a commission of [Percent commission] % percent of the gross proceeds, which amounts to $ [Amount of commission] Dollars.

After deducting from the gross sales proceeds of $ [Gross sales] Dollars the total expenses of $ [Total expenses] Dollars, and my commission of $ [Amount of commission] Dollars, the net proceeds payable to you amount to $ [Net proceeds] Dollars. A check in that amount, payable to your order, is enclosed.

Dated: [Date of notice]
